
About the author

Cristina is a licensed clinical social worker, Reiki practitioner, and certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with 30 years experience in the mental health field. Working in the front lines with the pained, the marginalized, the oppressed, the stigmatized, and the medicalized,  brought much self insight and the realization that she is a non conformist within the indoctrinated pathological and reductionist mode of understanding the human mind.  The human mind and condition is much greater than any given diagnosis. This great realization came about through Cristina’s own life journey.

Along Cristina’s professional and personal life path,  she experienced her own human plights leading to a volitional choice of surrendering toxic aspects of self and a ceaseless synthesis of integrating self.   Through  learning and practicing Reiki, hypnotherapy, relaxation techniques, mind/body integration, mindfulness, meditation, and other holistic and psychotherapeutic techniques and modalities, Cristina is able to share her own gifts of compassion, empathy, mindfulness, and intuitive presence with those who are in pain.   In return, she receives the greatest gift of all – to partake on the  volitional journey, and be honored to witness growth, empowerment, and heroism with another.

Cristina currently works in a MICA (Mentally Ill Chemically Addicted) Acute Partial Hospitalization Unit in an allopathic hospital.  Cristina incorporates meditation,  mindfulness, Inner Child work, cognitive restructuring, the Color Technique, acceptance, validation, compassion, and empathy in each group, and individual session and with each patient.  Cristina also started and is doing the first Hearing Voices Group in the hospital and wrote the Empowerment Workbook for patients to practice new healing and healthy concepts.

Contact Information

Dr. Cristina Blasoni, D.S.W., L.C.S.W., Ch.T.



Cristina’s Curricula Vitae
